If you work with JavaScript, you probably use arrays a lot. In this post I would like to introduce you to a few of my favourite array methods. For all the examples we will use the following array.
var users = [
firstName: 'Jilles',
We live in an exciting time where we can speak to computers and they can speak back to us. This is not just limited to your iPhone or Android, these days it's also supported in browsers.
1) Speech Synthesis API
Being productive is something that us developers value a lot. We try to automate everything so there's little repetitive work left to do. Unfortunately there are still loads of developers who minify their JavaScript & CSS using online tools and refresh their browser...
There's a little more to Express routing than simple GET and POST handling. If you've read my Express Routing - The Beginners Guide you'll know about the basic techniques. Today I'll go in some more advanced techniques...
Getting started with Express is not the easiest thing to do, if you have read my previous post on Express' app.js you will have a basic understanding of a default Express app by now. If you haven't, I encourage you to...